The 5 classic French mother sauces you need to know

If you’re going to learn classic French cookery, Michel Roux Jr is the gentleman to learn from. Here the culinary legend,  who headed up much-garlanded restaurant Le Gavroche for over 30 years and oversees the food at five-star hotel The Langham, shares the five classic sauces to master, along with ideas for recipes to use them in.

Michel says: “Sauces are key to good gastronomy. The five classic building-block recipes here – fish velouté, mayonnaise, chicken jus, hollandaise and beurre blanc – are easier to make than you might think. And once you’ve mastered the basics, you can experiment with adding herbs, spices, and flavourings. Think of these as your springboard to a taste adventure, and, with a bit of creative flair, you’ll soon be cooking like a true professional.”

Want to learn more tricks of the trade from Michel Roux Jr? The chef also oversees cookery school Sauce by The Langham in London, where he hosts exclusive masterclasses. Keep scrolling for more information.


The post The 5 classic French mother sauces you need to know appeared first on delicious. magazine.

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